Suspicious Behavior

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Re: Suspicious Behavior

Post by Merepatra »

Any suspicions of cheating by a player should be reported, along with any supporting evidence, by ticket to
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Re: Suspicious Behavior

Post by lordmd »

Remember that he can have fully researched the scout speed. So if you only have it at low level then he already be faster even without cards if he researched it fully. And he can use more than 1 card if he relies on scouts. They are especially useful to get pitch and iron because of traders only being able to trade 200 and you can get up to 2400 with 8 scouts(8x300) if fully researched.
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Re: Suspicious Behavior

Post by thekpd »

.... simple math might explain this...

3 hour speed card..... x 2 cards = 6 hours?
If he buys cards frequently... he might have several throughbred cards? When I was using my scouts alot earlier in the game, I would sit home on my day off, and literally run scouts from the time i woke up, until the time I wen't to bed.
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Re: Suspicious Behavior

Post by lordmd »

Yes there is. And if it is a higher rankded player he probably is not doing it for the honour. Probably having research in military and other stuff and not that much into production and farming lots of stuff with scouts.

Drammen did this a lot in the past too and always to far away stuff when it was iron and pitch. You don't need to get honour if it is iron and pitch. You probably want that stuff because of low production(not in every village... not easy to trade because of only 200 per merchant).

Of course it can be annoying for the newer players because of the honour... I think it is about 500 now? And this is a lot for smaller players but when the world started it was lower only like 20 at the beginning and increased with the time when players leveled up. So we did not have it that easy(but it was easier to kill wolves then because everything smaller).

You should try to get a small army and try killing smaller AI stuff like wolves. Getting honour only with secret stash scouting is a pain.
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Re: Suspicious Behavior

Post by tyrion23 »

I bought a full card pack to ramp up and have tons of those cards. I work from home so log in various times throughout the day and constantly am sending scouts and attacks to honour up. Those who didn't know I had spent to buy a full card pack would probably think I'm cheating but I just have disposable income and no life... lol.. The guy you are seeing may be in the same boat.

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