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Community is everything

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2022 8:40 pm
by Priest Guardian
More than any other MMO I have played , SHK's has always reigned supreme in community for my many years of gaming

When you belong its easy to play and the desire to help your friends is strengthened

This is the one thing SHK's does well, surprising to me since they fell flat on their face with the so called live chat feature that NEVER gets used

Re: Community is everything

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2022 8:42 pm
by Slaveabit
And when you don't belong to "the community" the game is now almost not worth playing. Not in the dominant house, say goodbye to ever storing enough flags and gold to get a decent guild in. If you're not a toxic griefer don't bother playing era worlds. I've been playing since the days when if you deserved to get your teeth kicked in you usually got your teeth kicked in, these new rules basically make it impossible without playing bulk cards to get some decent payback which is probably why we'll never see another Age world....

"repayments are coming up on the Porsche, better open Welt 8"