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Something new for me

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2022 7:44 pm
by Priest Guardian
I was in H-14 . Then someone spoke up in chat that there could be a war around day 30

Then another player spoke up and said that might not be a good decision

So I chimed in and said that any war before day 60 is "stupid". Adding that many players need to rank up to EARL to raze or own more than 3 villages and build castles on said villages before war. Noting that there are a lot of players that have 'limited' cards. So waiting to at least Day 60 would give more players a chance and make any war more fun because more players would participate

Then one of the Leaders spoke up and said " If you think you are going to stay in H-14 and farm until Day 60 you better find a new House"

I replied "I accept your request" and then I left H-14

I am now with the Russians, I always respected their play as they know how to play a long game . Never the ones to come out the gate on day 30 shoot their 'wad' and then move on to another server.

Guess only thing now to do is wait and watch what house H-14 goes to war with on Day 30 or worst vase wait until day 60 to see who they declare on

Good Luck is all I can say

Re: Something new for me

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2022 7:11 pm
by Priest Guardian
Day 32 and no wars yet? Hmmmmmm

guess I will not be here for day 60 to rub pie in the face of H-14 if no wars

I plan to start on the server I have been waiting for quite a while now

UK 11

look for me in Wales, and just a heads up Rhydmain parish is mine :P

Re: Something new for me

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2022 10:57 am
by Priest Guardian
Day 34 and things kicked off just like H-14 said it would

I survived roughly 500 cats of various attacks last night. At which point I knew they mean business and had to ID after my villages took too much damage to repair without cards

I do plan on going to World 11 so as much fun as it was to defends against these attacks , I had to limit my card use. I also spotted a King seat I could take from H-16 today nearby. After scouting the 2 villages I would need to cap (trust me EASY) I could sit as King............Tempting. To card up some cats and do it for nothing more than fun. But restraining myself

As I do want to be at my best in UK 11 ;)

Peaceout here guys and good luck with the war all