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Firefly Patrons

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2020 8:26 pm
by Priest Guardian
My second favorite game online is Path of Exile . The Devs of that game said when they started out that if they had a 10,000 player base (their goal #) that it would sustain their financial budget for the game. They had large player base for new content then dwindled down to 10 K, then back up and back down

Over the life of the game which it is today an icon among that genera even out doing Diablo from Blizzard. Their over all numbers continue to build because they know players return

Here at Firefly and Stronghold Kingdoms (my favorite game) I see so many comparisons between the two indie companies. But Firefly has not sold out yet like Grinding Gears Games did to China Ten Cent

What I am getting at is I watched EU 6 cap at 7500+ players and now drop to 7200+. Most of which I see is new players (Lord00000000) trying the game for first time. I am pleased to know that the numbers are there to maintain the game as a whole since this is only reflective of a single server

Both games are 100% free to play but both have different micro models for income .

The major difference is GGG's only has POE to invest in ...and they do! Thus their great success as a company of a PVE game. I do hope Firefly will wake up some day and give the recognition deserved of their Stronghold Kingdoms and what it could become if they tried a little harder

peaceout PG