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H9 vs H10 (again)

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2016 3:23 pm
OK ladies and gents can someone tell me what's on earth is going on... War started, TRG leveled, H10 SMASHED into tiny little pieces. The reason for all this... don't know
If anyone knows pls enlighten me....

Re: H9 vs H10 (again)

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2016 4:19 pm
by Lady Price
h10 has been actively moving into h9 areas without the sheriffs permission which is a direct violation of the NAP between h9 and h10. They have been doing this for about a month or so.

a few days ago, Nate55 joined h10 from h9 taking 2 counties with him. h10 immediately sent captains and charters to take more villages in the area and solidify their control. H9 asked that the counties be rightfully returned to h9 possession, and the villages that h10 had capped/chartered in those areas be deleted, before day 674 6pm server time. We told them that if they hadnt done so, we would declare war on them. This was met with insults and a blatant lack of respect.

by day 674 6pm server time, our requests had not been met. So, at 6.30pm, war was declared.

there are far more details that i have left out for the sack of brevity, but clearly i am better informed than you were as i actually know why we were going to war. many h10 officers and even FGs seemed entirely oblivious as to what was going on. Goes to show how valuable a bit of transparency can go.

Re: H9 vs H10 (again)

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2016 1:17 am
by Thecherrygrower
I must confess i've never yet got my head around any 'Organisation' in this game.
It seems a 'few' can do whatever 'willy nilly' and frankly no one is that 'organised'?

and for sure, if you ever question this lamentable 'state of affairs'... you might as well be a 'clanger' and go get ya hat to join the que with the 'Soup Dragons'...

Re: H9 vs H10 (again)

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2016 2:00 am
by EndItAll
other houses may operate that way. we do not. H9 has full transparency and democracy when it comes to when and why we go to war. I don't blindly follow orders, nor to my knowledge does anyone else. we work as a team and decide as a team.

edit : although "organisation" may be a bit strong of a word to describe our ways. "controlled chaos" would probably be better.

but it works for us, as evidenced by the history of wars in age 3

Re: H9 vs H10 (again)

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2016 4:24 am
by Lady Price
@cherrygrower There is a time and a place for keeping things from people. H9s core leadership DOES keep some things from us, but they always have good reasons. When it comes to stuff that directly influences H9 members, they are entirely open with us. H10s core leadership LIED to H10 members, and said that they had arranged a peace agreement, when in fact they had not. This caused their house to be entirely unprepared for war. On the other hand, practically every fighter and significant land holder in H9 was online and ready to attack as soon as swords went up. I think that H0s "organisation" as you call it, works well and is fair on all people involved.

i dont know what you mean in regards to "afew being allowed to do what they want willy nilly." to my knowledge, any breach in the NAPs we have with several houses on the part of h9 players, have been handled correctly by h9 leadership. would you care to elaborate?

Re: H9 vs H10 (again)

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2016 9:53 am
by Bglizard
I can attest to that all our factions knew 24 hours in advance that we'd be going to war and even before that, that tensions were starting to rise with H10 and they should start putting archers up on their walls. We messaged their leadership 2 hours prior reminding them of the deadline and even held off for 15 minutes after 6 PM to ask them again but we were met with no response and by that point the 'controlled chaos' of H9 quickly turned into a frenzy of rabid dogs seeing who could raze the most people out first. My favorite moment was when 3 captains were launched to raze the same H10 village and neither of the 3 people sending the captains realized the other person was sending one as well.

Although judging by the scalp thread I think grandy won most razes...

@Sir Glennalot the war lasted 16 hours total we had members who were on global all day, came on and realized they missed the start and end of the war

Re: H9 vs H10 (again)

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2016 11:25 am
by Grandy
I think Lady Price has given a reasonable brief rundown of events, but here it is in a bit more depth:

nate55 left in a fit after H9 raided his undefended castle with 1.5mil gold, in the county nextdoor to where trolls were going wild. We do this all across the map with our players - if people aren't online and aren't defending, we counter-raid and distribute so the trolls cannot "hit the jackpot", so to speak. We usually wouldn't do this unless the seat was currently under attack, but nate had left the county like that for weeks, and upon asking, his response was that it was 'just the way he plays'. We offered the gold back, but he was throwing a hissy fit over the fact we were trying to 'control' the way he plays by asking him to keep his gold low and defend his own castles (which has been H9 policy for ages), so he left. Truth be told, I wouldn't want my parishes raided unless I was under attack, but I know that the policy is to keep it low and defended - if not, I am endangering others through negligence - the policy is reasonable.

nate went neutral, then joined a H10 faction, which is when the problems started.
Leading up to this, some H10 members had taken it upon themselves to move into our territory without contacting the sheriff - Nighttime and Vic being two main ones, but others as well - so tensions were already above average and we were wondering why H10 were positioning themselves in our lands in such a way.

nate55 had voted himself into Durham, so when both Cumbria and Durham went black, we knew it was going to add to this tension. When we began seeing them move a few extra players into that county, we immediately warned our entire house that they were not only backing up their stance (which we considered very flawed), but it was escalating and we were not sure what their plans were, so we told everyone to prepare for war - this was early on day 673.

To us, Cumbria and Durham were H9 counties and therefore should have H9 sheriffs - anything that belongs to H9 stays H9. If other houses want to recruit H9 players, I think it's pretty darn obvious that it should be approached sensitively and with respect - sheriff positions 'belong to the house' and stay, unless you can bargain or arrange with the other house to be kept by the player and transferred.

H10 took on nate55, did not arrange anything or even contact us, then claimed the counties were now H10 counties and moved players in. Interestingly, their argument began with 'the counties belong to the player' but then voted themselves (bruesibis/firebricks) in as back-up sheriffs, which pointed towards the stance being literally the same as ours. We tried monking the counties back to our own players, but they counter-monked it back to themselves. nate then stated that he was leaving the game and H10's stance seemingly did not change. In the early hours of day 674 we stated to H10 that they would have 16 hours (until 6pm) to nullify their players' votes in those counties so that H9 may resume control, otherwise H9 would declare war. We had no idea when they would stop moving players into 'our land', so we had to draw the line, and that was what we had decided.

Nothing happened from their side, even with a couple hours' warning to their FGs, so we mentioned it again at 6pm, then declared at 6:30pm.

It's both weird and funny to see how this war was an exact repeat of the last one - H9 set a strict deadline for something simple to occur, H10 fail to meet the deadline, so we declare, a faction drops H10, counties exchange hands and war is over.. except H10 wasn't actually planning to declare war on us this time, even with the player movement and attempted landgrabbing - not sure what they were expecting to be honest..
Sir Glennalot wrote:Something happened on W9? I must have blinked and missed it.
It might have been a single day war :<
Bglizard wrote:Although judging by the scalp thread I think grandy won most razes...
Caps/razes almost reached 50, I think.
Almost half were Nighttime :<

Re: H9 vs H10 (again)

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2016 6:51 pm
by Lady Price
Sir Glennalot wrote:Something happened on W9? I must have blinked and missed it.
it was a pretty pathetic excuse for a war tbh. Was really more like scolding a badly behaved dog than an actual war.

Re: H9 vs H10 (again)

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2016 8:24 am
The sad thing in all this mess is that this game lacks RESPECT...player-player, House-House, House (H10)-members... I had (me and many many many more) no info on this... and the thing that makes me even more angry is that I had to come ask the forum in order to get to the bottom of this...

Re: H9 vs H10 (again)

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2016 11:39 am
by Grandy
TRELIARIS wrote:The sad thing in all this mess is that this game lacks RESPECT...player-player, House-House, House (H10)-members... I had (me and many many many more) no info on this... and the thing that makes me even more angry is that I had to come ask the forum in order to get to the bottom of this...
well, the diplomacy thread had... Bruesibis, Steel Poet, Nighttime, kurt631 from H10; KingJBone, SquashEm, mikeostic, BernieN, Hextra from H9, with MiladySkye acting as an advisor to H9.

I imagine it was probably a general lack of communication rather than lack of respect, but I can't really say much on that front - would have to ask those in H10 for that. We put forward the demands at 00:42, it was acknowledged in a reply by Bruesibis at 03:32; there were talks throughout the day until around 14:00-ish, we reminded them at 16:19 that 18:00 was the deadline, mentioned it again at 18:17 to see if any "last words" could prevent it, then it all began at 18:30. All of H9 were aware of the demands and their consequences if they were not met.