Incoming attacks suggestion

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Joined: Fri Apr 10, 2015 9:32 pm

Incoming attacks suggestion

Post by Strygald »

So, you know how the sword flashes and has a little number to indicate quantity of attacks and then when you click on it you get a list of incoming attacks?

can we have a new icon up there for 'Incoming attacks targeting friends'? it would work in the exact same way only it would show incoming attacks for faction members, or friends that have been added to a list. That way we can see straight away that there are 5 piggy captains heading to a friend's nearby village and we can do something about it, rather than only noticing when the attack is about to hit in 5 mins. Actually maybe see friends outgoing attacks and eta too so it's easier to coordinate attacks with friends and faction/house members.
Posts: 133
Joined: Sun Oct 21, 2012 3:28 am

Re: Incoming attacks suggestion

Post by dsds212011 »

Yeah and make it a premium function as this probably costs quite a bit to implement. Since auto scouting is turned off when interdict is on. At least you get some replacement features

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