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Post by Sudden1 »

when will you guys separate the merchants from the army count. players have been suggesting this for many years now.
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Re: merchants

Post by Sudden1 »

lol how. you just delete the merchants then you have 500 troops or you don't recruit merchants and you have 500 troops you always end up with 500. having their own section will just make them less annoying. and save you a little bit of gold nothing more
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Re: merchants

Post by dsds212011 »

I don't even bother to sell food anymore. It's just not worth it. I try not to produce it as there is so much around. That should save you space on how many merchants you use.
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Re: merchants

Post by gbaker59 »

One of the problems with the game is it’s a one dimensional fighting game period. The supplier role and monker roles are secondary or worse. If the cards didn’t allow super powerful fighters it would require more teamwork and be more interesting. Suggesting this to FF and on these boards would be heresy and I hope my account isn’t removed for just mentioning it.
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Re: merchants

Post by DekeYoungAtlanta »

gbaker59 wrote:One of the problems with the game is it’s a one dimensional fighting game period. The supplier role and monker roles are secondary or worse. If the cards didn’t allow super powerful fighters it would require more teamwork and be more interesting. Suggesting this to FF and on these boards would be heresy and I hope my account isn’t removed for just mentioning it.
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Re: merchants

Post by Klaire »

I think the constant threat of raze/capture is good to train people who have not been on warzones in other worlds. Everyone has to do their defensive researches, and to keep a parish you either need lots of friends or some military research! The specialisations come later. But defence should always come first, on every world. And at least here if you do lose a village, it's not going to take a month to build new village with a full castle.

On ordinary worlds there are often areas that just don't see much action. On my first world, my main villages were in a very safe area. Barely got attacked by players for the whole of the first age in those villages. I had a couple of villages in other areas that would get attacked, but if I had kept all villages in my first county I wouldn't have had a taste of war at all. In the second age I brought the war to me :P
Esoteric Paradigm
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Re: merchants

Post by Esoteric Paradigm »

btw tou cannot simply disband your merchants and make archers to fill your castles while you work, sleep or whatever because when you want your merchants back you cannot simply (at quite a cost) disband a whole heap of archers and make the merchants again because you cannot get the unit space back that way. You have to send either the archers or the disbanded peasants out to get slaughtered somewhere to give back the unit space for the merchants. This is only of relevance for people like me who use a lot of merchants. It is very very badly designed gameplay top say the least.
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Re: merchants

Post by Strygald »

Klaire wrote:I think the constant threat of raze/capture is good to train people who have not been on warzones in other worlds. Everyone has to do their defensive researches, and to keep a parish you either need lots of friends or some military research! The specialisations come later. But defence should always come first, on every world. And at least here if you do lose a village, it's not going to take a month to build new village with a full castle.

On ordinary worlds there are often areas that just don't see much action. On my first world, my main villages were in a very safe area. Barely got attacked by players for the whole of the first age in those villages. I had a couple of villages in other areas that would get attacked, but if I had kept all villages in my first county I wouldn't have had a taste of war at all. In the second age I brought the war to me :P

Very true, my military research is already well developed: max defense, max fortification, max construction, max scouts, beefy archers and pikemen,[[interdiction]].. in contrast my industry and farming are absolutely pitiful. I dont make any banquet goods.. I just loot all the stashes, kill all the wolves, bandits and AI in my honor radius as soon as they appear, i'm sure the peeps around my villages all hate me :lol:

I also keep a selection of emergency castle building and weapon cards in reserve(everyone else should to, instead of wasting money/card points on X6 scout speed haha), I guess my time on world 2 made me very, very paranoid.
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Re: merchants

Post by LordAnowon »

Why do you have auto trading when playing a Premium Token?

In this world you need as much troops in the castle as possible to avoid losing your village completely against stacks of attacks amounting to over 2k troops.
You really need loads of gold as replacing troops/captains is a necessity, so at the cost of protecting your castle, auto trading is lost and vice versa, and Real Life needs a more attention than a game, so it's not possible for everyone to spend hours trading online and then losing much of that gold to make troops for protecting the castle.

I agree, separate merchants and monks from troops and give them their own limit...
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Re: merchants

Post by Shantar »

Personally I think the merchants work fine as they are now, even more so on this world. You can easily run a full defence and some merchants with the current army limits. Get a liege lord and some troops from them and you can free up even more space for merchants. If you don't have a Liege Lord reinforce your own villages. Also, cards on this world are really easy to get so if you want you can pop some capacity and speed cards and trade even more.

Even if you were to trash 400 archers to make room for merchants it only costs 4000 gold to replace them, if you cant make that back running 40+ merchants you shouldn't bother in the first place :p Bows are not a problem either as you can forage those and anyone wanting to use loads of merchants is running scout cards and max capacities anyway.

"If it ain't broke, don't fix it"....

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