W4 history and current events

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W4 history and current events

Post by Lt.Columbo »

it has been proven that the new age 4 rules are set to make a change and to a degree revive activity...and they did.fair play FF :)
i had thought last night it would be nice to compile some history of the world that entered age 4 first. theres many a story to tell and i encourage everyone that has spend time on W4 to come forward and share those moments of sleepless nights.be it stories from the first age, or from a later time. put aside personal grudges and lets share our history...

but this thread also serves to keep interested players up to date on current events.
thanks to meatball2k we have an understanding of what is going on and who is at war with whom for the time being and also some personal stories which i will not yet post in the hopes people who experienced them will tell them themselfs. thank you again meats :)

as to date alliances are as follows:
H1/9/14/16/17 VS H3/11/13/18
of course it is more complicated than that because some of the warring houses consist of factions that will not attack each other for past friendships.furthermore, the new rules will make for a long glory race and it is of course too early to say which alliance will hold and which will falter.
so then lads...fire away, i hope this thread will not die in SHK forum limbo :D
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Re: W4 history and current events

Post by G4CShooter »

Well recently we tricked the HM of H11 to vote in a player called BaronLoup who was in H11 into the king seat of Scotland, then Baronloup and his buddies joined my house, H1, leaving Lord Hawkmoon enraged. We all had a good laugh over that all though it seems all the wars now are coming to an end despite my opinions about it
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Re: W4 history and current events

Post by Lt.Columbo »

we took munster today (our homeland i might add) and after a year..probably more and countless arguments with some of the old H13 leadership CLS and players of the original Chaos Legion have finally taken whats rightfully ours! i heard that H13 will settle for nothing less than complete rule over ireland..so there's just one part of W4 history that (i hope) will get interesting :D
H3 is also active and claims part of ireland..dunno what ye lads over in england/scotland are up ta but i wouldnt say the wars have come to an end just yet.
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Re: W4 history and current events

Post by Carazco »

It's kinda hard to attack because most players were once good allies.
I haven't played World 4 this much since Age 1. Good job Firefly! :D
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Re: W4 history and current events

Post by Lt.Columbo »

@carazco yeah, its strange to see swords and flowers at the same time on your villages :lol:
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Re: W4 history and current events

Post by meatball2k »

It looks as though the 4th age is certainly more itneresting then the 2nd and 3rd and its good to hear form the different faction leaders.

I appreciate everyones honesty and it would be nice to try and kep thread up to date as I think it makes game more itneresting well it does for me, especially when I am at work and cant get on the game haha
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Re: W4 history and current events

Post by miroku »

I remember my time in Waterford very well! In the first age me and my faction (vendetta 1,2,3) came over to Ireland to take some land(we withdrew for a few political reasons leading to the fall of house 9)

We turned the whole county white and laughed as all of house 13 furiously tried to monk us out. Please don't judge me on my faith and gold and honor at the time, I'm a fighter not a farmer.

https://www.dropbox.com/s/k6emjwxl3wiv0 ... erford.png

I have a few more story's to tell but this isn't my monolog, more to come after others add in their story's.
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Re: W4 history and current events

Post by Lt.Columbo »

i remember you miroku yeah ;)
by any means..share those stories.perhaps you could get vash, sir ixion or jauvi to contribute as well. you lads gave us sleepless nights lol.
good ole days eh :)
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Re: W4 history and current events

Post by Lawlmaker »

Good times in Wexford and Cork as H9, slow but pretty fun.
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Re: W4 history and current events

Post by lolstrike »

Yes the old days :) those where good times i quit though during the war as i had to deal with other things but i still remember the invasion of cork as H9.

I only just restarted on this world and im surprised how much fun it is with some fighting going on for once now that h13 dosent dominate everything, have to admit i was critical of the rules but i has brought the server back to life so guess i will say that firefly did a good job this time
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