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Post by Lord Alacrity »

I just wanted to reassure everyone that simply because we will be releasing a new shield designer soon does not mean that we have given up on quests. Right now we are in the process of getting quests coded and hope to begin testing them on the development server in the next week or two. :)
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Re: Quests!

Post by TheProScout »

i think ive been beta testing this game over 500 days now, and yeah pleasssse add the quests.

if any of us should Beta Test the Quests, its English world 1, before all other worlds may test it, we waited the longest for it....

Please use us as guinny pigs first before the others !!!

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Re: Quests!

Post by bukland »

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Re: Quests!

Post by Ventilatorr »

oh please!
godjepoe wrote:I have a suggestion to implement quests for factions.

What if a faction general can issue "quests" to his members?


- Raze a certain village
- Gain and hold stewardship of a certain parish
- Excom a target
- etc...

It would fill up the quest screen and give something to do for the faction :)
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Re: Quests!

Post by Lord Alacrity »

An interesting idea! We will discuss this.
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Re: Quests!

Post by Enigma5991 »

godjepoe wrote:I have a suggestion to implement quests for factions.

What if a faction general can issue "quests" to his members?


- Raze a certain village
- Gain and hold stewardship of a certain parish
- Excom a target
- etc...

It would fill up the quest screen and give something to do for the faction :)
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Re: Quests!

Post by Ventilatorr »

How about this?

marshalls and generals can set tasks. Tasks are devided by ranks like:
-kill ai, rank 1
-raze enemy, rank 2
-capture parish, rank 3
-capture county, rank 4
-capture province rank 5

Real tasks and ranks should be decided by firefly ofcourse.

now let everyone in a faction pay faxion-tax. And every faction house-tax. In my example rank 4 and 5 should only be set by Marshalls because those give house gold to the faction as reward, and 1, 2, 3 give faction gold to players.

And to stop multi accounters (transporting gold) let only factions with atleast 15 princes join.

Now if someone can come up with a good idea to steal gold from other houses.. :p

this will require a lot of programming but I think it its worth it
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Re: Quests!

Post by Neukdeh »

I do like the idea of random quests available to everyone

However, I also like the idea of faction leaders assigning quests to faction members (maybe from a drop down) with a limit to how many and which players can do quests. I think this could be a great way to keep lower level players engaged during the periods where there is nothing for them to do. Players with multiple villages have their hands full keeping everything running but I remember the days when I had 1 or 2 villages and would just log in for 10 minutes and log out because there was nothing else for me to do at that time.

The rewards (for everyone) should be random so no one cherry picks certain quests.. it would be cool if the rewards included honor (pretty standard), gold, 3 day token (rare), random pack (rare), a single card, crowns (rare)

I think having the possibility of getting a 3 day token, crowns and random pack would increase the incentive to accomplish the quests.
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Re: Quests!

Post by Gaius22 »

I agree with Lord Lydon Relon, and what he said is totally accurate. Marshalls, generals and officers have more things to do than be assigning quests for house/faction members. They are busy with the politics of the game, which is one of the strengths of the SK, and other things, other house/faction issues.

That being said, the quests should be assign by the game, period! because otherwise the quests would be all same, more or less...Attack this player! Defend that player! Send resources here! Interdict that! you get the picture.
Also how would you establish the rewards?! Even if the developers allowed the transation of money, honour and/or faith points, it would be totally weird and make the game unbalanced. NO!!!

If the quests are assign by the game the trick is... well... the challenge to the devs is how many different quests can you design, I mean, we need/want variety, each world has thousands of players, you have to make a lot of quests guys! xD

In my opinion quests have to meet certain standards, have certain "features", you know what I mean? things that devs have to pay attention when making quests, for example:

- Have variety in objectives AND rewards. I guess for objectives, one way to do it, is having timed and non-timed quests, just an example. SK has some many different type of resources and things that can be "played" with for quests, oh well...use your imagination;

- Have different difficulties (this can be shown or not). I guess the fact that SK already has a ranking system, it could be a way to define the difficulty level. But even within each rank you are, there could be different difficulty levels for quests;

- How many quests are assign to the player at any given time. That could be tricky! I mean in a way that didnt swamped the player with quests or assign 1 quests every 100 years, it has to be balanced... but this could also take advantage of the ranking system and how many villages the player have. (here think of villages as productive power);

- The type of quest assign to the player have to be directly related to rank of the player, for example, if your're a village idiot you cant have a quest that asks you to reach a certain level of faith points because in the beginning of the game players dont give a .... about faith points.

Another thing I'd like to point out is that, with the quests feature you (read devs) could also create a couple of achivements along with... just an idea... of course the honour reward have to be relatively low or the amount of quests that you have to do to complete the achivement as to be high, in order to not award the player with honour so easily.

Bottom line, I really want the quests implemented as soon as possible, but if you're going to do it, do it right! The game is still in Beta, so there's a lot of room for improvement.

Sorry fo the wall of text and sorry if my english isnt perfect, its not my first language.
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Re: Quests!

Post by emplexity »

Silkjc wrote:From my experience most factions have 10 or so active people who work with their house and together; the rest do their own thing and are hard to get involved properly in faction warfare. Such an orders system will get more players feeling like they have some purpose other than growing apples. This will keep them playing, as well as increase the population of serious players who buy cards.

I like the idea of faction leaders being able to give quests, eg: Take this county, raid this, raze this person, etc :D

it may return the aspect of role playing.
Last edited by emplexity on Sun Jun 03, 2012 4:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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