World 6 is Nearly at the End of Age 2!!!!

World 6 was Closed following the Final Age completion.
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Re: World 6 is Nearly at the End of Age 2!!!!

Post by wtfisthis »

kwud wrote:Orbit Storm cares.

i sympathize a little because he tried defending the integrity of house 9 at a lot of points and they betrayed him in the end, kicking him out of the house so he and his faction didn't get the rewards.

i have lots of salt i could throw in the wound but really i think im just going to leave it at the above statement.
i meant nobody in the current house cares obviously..... and Orbit has 4 vils left in game so i don't think we can get much help there :/
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Re: World 6 is Nearly at the End of Age 2!!!!

Post by Unknownhost »

this topics hillarious.

orbit backstabbed, rofl. the guy flipped on people for 7-hours in teamspeak. 7 freaking hours.

then hopped on the forums and changed his sig to "another betrayed h9 player blahblah" and posted chat logs he seemed intent on using the entire time, claiming how it proved he got butthurt or something and how "cato & etc betrayed him omg!".

THEN his faction got kicked, and this suprises anyone? really?



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Re: World 6 is Nearly at the End of Age 2!!!!

Post by wtfisthis »

Unknownhost wrote:this topics hillarious.

orbit backstabbed, rofl. the guy flipped on people for 7-hours in teamspeak. 7 freaking hours.

then hopped on the forums and changed his sig to "another betrayed h9 player blahblah" and posted chat logs he seemed intent on using the entire time, claiming how it proved he got butthurt or something and how "cato & etc betrayed him omg!".

THEN his faction got kicked, and this suprises anyone? really?



it strikes me more that i won't mention names but at least 4 factions were like yeah next age we will switch and fight against these *.. then this age everybody just jumps back in the same old house it's just dissapointing man very dissapointing
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Orbit Storm
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Re: World 6 is Nearly at the End of Age 2!!!!

Post by Orbit Storm »

kwud wrote:Orbit Storm cares.
Don't misconstrue morbid curiosity for legitimate concern. Admittedly the wool was pulled over my eyes for quite some time, and I have no regrets, but this last week has opened my eyes wide to the true nature of most of the "leadership" within H9/H17 (e.g. CatoMarcus is a facetious... well, I won't finish that). That's not to say there aren't some good folks still in the house and I certainly empathize for their likely future demise, but it's no longer my problem.

I was approached by H19, some current H9/H17, and other faction/house members just last night about forming and "leading" some sort of new rebellion. I turned them all down simply because I'm really not all that interested. While it's flattering that people would consider me for such a role, it's just not worth it. Perhaps once the allies I have in this new H17 straighten their crooked backbone and step up, I may reconsider. Until then, I'm just growing weary of exchanging cryptic messages and having to individually mark a dozen or more players per faction as personal allies. Too much work for something that would be so much simpler if the "have to win by any means necessary" mentality weren't so prevalent.

For the record, I never denied my desire to win even if it meant being a part of something I didn't agree with (i.e. previous remarks that our H9 membership was business). It was never about personal interest so much as it was about doing right by my faction. Toward the end of the Second Age, GoV became a revolving door for new members and we lost that close-knit familiarity. Ultimately, I was spending more time playing politics than actually playing, constantly having to make excuses for lazy or inactive members. I took a lot of flak for the actions (or lack thereof) by most of GoV and despite how this may appear I'm throwing them under the bus, I'm really just being forthright out of exasperation.

The goon squad in H17 seem to think resetting my villages will accomplish something, but all they're doing is providing me with free honour. I'll just plop back down wherever I please and go about my merry way. It won't phase me any, nor will any hypothetical "salt in the wound" insults you have saved up for this moment, Kwud.

Unknownhost wrote:the guy flipped on people for 7-hours in teamspeak. 7 freaking hours.
Stepping up for sloppy seconds, eh? The propaganda train hitched to Greyson already passed through here.

Correction: I spent twelve hours in TeamSpeak attempting to resolve an issue with a couple of nerd-raging e-thugs (who were hellbent on creating a war) for the benefit of my faction. Once it became apparent that the "apologies" Count claimed to want weren't going to change anything, the last couple of hours were spent trolling out of sheer amusement. I don't believe I've ever had so much fun watching someone drop as many four-letter bombs as they possibly can in one sentence.
Last edited by Voltair on Thu Jan 09, 2014 6:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Reported post for being Inappropriate and personal. Two words removed
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Re: World 6 is Nearly at the End of Age 2!!!!

Post by wtfisthis »

KlNGlRlSH wrote:meh, it's all the same old same old but I have to hand it to whoever thought to bring it to the forums, you have certainly peaked interest in this world I think. That monk storm was totally epic.
well yw xD
Prince Blackheart wrote:I ended up joining World 6 just to watch this epicness. It's the feeling you get when you hate both sides and hope they fight each other to the death. I have to say though in all honesty, it seems orbit is lashing out at just about everyone, this is a game where friendship matters...
It seems that everyone here is laughing and poking fun at each other with the exception of Orbit Storm, really dude, it's a game. Don't take it so personally. :)[/quote]

well H9 has a long history of betraying ppl so he's not completly speaking lies
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Re: World 6 is Nearly at the End of Age 2!!!!

Post by wtfisthis »

Greyson-Mactire wrote:The World looks like a sea of sh :!: and Arran over in Scotland looks like a chunk of corn. I stink.
well i'm geussing H17 picked it cause it's called 'The Insane'....... nothing better than recognition
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Re: World 6 is Nearly at the End of Age 2!!!!

Post by Biotot »

I honestly thought that age 3 reverted the faction limit back down to 12. This is just going to be the exact same thing..
They tried to excom 5 people
A sane person wouldn't do maintenance on 30 villages and continue to call it fun. W6, now farmville for all.
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Re: World 6 is Nearly at the End of Age 2!!!!

Post by wtfisthis »

Biotot wrote:I honestly thought that age 3 reverted the faction limit back down to 12. This is just going to be the exact same thing..
we all had that glance of hope :lol: we were pretty stupid
Cookie Dough
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Re: World 6 is Nearly at the End of Age 2!!!!

Post by Cookie Dough »

Do I also get a free slap on kwud? :P
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Re: World 6 is Nearly at the End of Age 2!!!!

Post by Ad Rock »

Come on guys, hit the source of the problem, not the flunky taking the fall for him.
nop nop nop nop

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