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Re: Coming Changes to Era System on all Worlds

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2017 9:40 pm
by Priest Guardian
sgt bruiser 187 wrote:change the rules regarding razing. this game is trash now,,
I do agree some of the new rules need adjustment

Raze is not one of them

My opinion only, besides ransack is the new raze for early game and if you want to get down to it, no one should be razing that early in the game at Knight. Let players keep what the have built

Yes you say its pay to win, SO WHAT! the pay to win players are so minimal that it still protects the majority of new players in early game

Unless we are going to increase the First village peace timer on a server to say.....10 days? Then we can lower raze rank

Re: Coming Changes to Era System on all Worlds

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2017 9:51 pm
by DekeYoungAtlanta
ERA rules have too few factions per house and members per faction. All 20 houses were claimed inside of 3 days. Independent players without a house are "flag bait."

Increase the number of factions per house to 20 in the first ERA, you can drop the faction count to 10 in the 2nd ERA and 5 in the 3rd ERA.

Re: Coming Changes to Era System on all Worlds

Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2017 4:22 pm
by Imuks76
yes, peacetime for first vila can be 10,or 30 days,not matter,but raze from knight rank must be. And 30 flags for church,lol,it is still too much...Developers killing game..Need build Church in parish,and catapults guildie quick, but 12 and 40,why?ANd more flags for barracks....disagree,age rules was perfect.Agree with parishes not lost upgraded effect after 1st age,but not need make upgrade 10X harder....Fp limit is perfect,5 faction in house is perfect...Just let us upgrade parishes fast and fight,not farm 150 days,lol

Re: Coming Changes to Era System on all Worlds

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2017 12:45 am
by jared0215
Shouldn't even be having a discussion about, this bottom line the new rules are dog * besides the faith cap. Ban the alts, add in game mods, have the original rules with the faith cap, game fixed. Thanks bye

Re: Coming Changes to Era System on all Worlds

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2017 10:45 am
by BeowulfKing

If you want players spend more money then you must promote wars in game. Fast wars to start and to last longer.

Because wars are only time when players need to keep on buying crowns.

RULE changes:

5 faction per house rule... It is fine by me, but in that case can you make some ingame changes where neutral faction can take over house from house holder?
If not then increase number of factions per house or number of houses.

20 players per faction rule...not enough in my opinion. Because many new players like to be in same faction with their friends or with players they admire. Puting them outside, even in same house will make them quit before they stick to the game.

Raze rule... at rank viscout will promote fast wars. You would surprise how much and how many players like early wars. Players get to connect more when they need to work together and help each other while undeveloped rank.

Parish guilds upgrading... need to be faster and cheaper. Because many players like early wars and like to use early in map well developed parishes. Players who develop them early are more honoured by factions and houses.

Faith cap... is fine and will promote faster wars. But can you make faith acumulates faster? it will make wars last longer but it will still give us chance to force someone particulary(a target) spend his faith.

Honour penalty when you lose village rule...should be incorporated during the entire game. With honour penalty when you raze village you can hurt any player, no matter how good or wealthy he is.


Re: Coming Changes to Era System on all Worlds

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2017 11:40 am
by BeowulfKing
adition to this above:

Rule to prevent whole map unite and farm to win rewards, its necessary...less players in house/factions. So from this point is actually good rule 5 house+20 faction rule. Imo should be inreased for about 50 players in total. from now 100 to 150.

Also if you increase rewards just for winners, that would for sure promote wars and decrese posibilty a strong leading house to have more satelite allie houses(not winning anything).

more wars = more crown buyers

Re: Coming Changes to Era System on all Worlds

Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2017 6:21 pm
by Imuks76
from 2nd Age and 2nd Era problem here is captain army x3 not same as breaker army,different time,hard to send timed attacks from vassal together with vassal,lol.Sometimes need wait 2 or 3 minutes.... Why and who maked this changes ? It is terrible for fighters

Re: Coming Changes to Era System on all Worlds

Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2018 3:16 pm
by Devoldini
Imuks76 wrote:from 2nd Age and 2nd Era problem here is captain army x3 not same as breaker army,different time,hard to send timed attacks from vassal together with vassal,lol.Sometimes need wait 2 or 3 minutes.... Why and who maked this changes ? It is terrible for fighters
agree, its should be fixed! same in ages...

Re: Coming Changes to Era System on all Worlds

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2018 9:18 am
by jared0215
Game is trash now RIP SHK

Re: Coming Changes to Era System on all Worlds

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2018 5:10 pm
by Imuks76
Developers just tried make game better...But result is-they killing game.I am looking in Mundo1 - h6 with 11 stars have no lands more, in Eras it is fixed-no more than 5 stars.Faith point limit,5 factions in house,not 12,it is good,not all map in one color.Many good changes realised,and this changes can save game.Oh,and parishes not lost effects more,it is good too.Bring back raze from knight,and parish upgrade rules from Age worlds back.And we have perfect economic strategy online game,not farm online :).