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Re: Update Notes - - 02/05/13

Posted: Fri May 03, 2013 3:43 am
by Sir Sevin
I must say I am strongly annoyed by the delay when using the new List of Your Villages. It makes it harder to toggle a different village while preventing the auto-relocate to kick in. I wish there was at least an option to stop the game from centering the player on the village selected from the list. I usually don't want my map view auto-relocated.

Re: Update Notes - - 02/05/13

Posted: Sat May 04, 2013 10:50 am
by DannyOla
Hello Real1ty,

Are you certain that you have enough research points? After checking i could not find an issue with the research queue. You will not be able to queue any research if the queue is full or if you do not have any research points.

Kind Regards,

Danny Ola

Re: Update Notes - - 02/05/13

Posted: Sat May 04, 2013 4:04 pm
by Gaius22
Overall a great update. I dont remember an update so "community suggestions" oriented. Good job Firefly

I really like the floating production icons :D and I'm glad that you added a settings option to disable it for those that simply dont want it.

Finally! the mail system received some love. But there is still room for improvement there, I think I dont need to tell you what and where, because if you read the "search mail by player name" suggestion, you certainly read the other suggestions next to it.

The "Parish names in the AI attack reports" feature should be expanded to the "The enemy is vanquished" reports.

The only feature that I think you didnt implemented quite well was the "Attack Formations" feature. Because you should only be able to use them against AI (PvE).
For PvP the stakes are much higher and the ability to attack and put a good formation together in a short time should be based only on skill. Having preset formations for PvP takes away the difficulty and the skill needed for the attacks.

Also I would love the able to name my formations, so I can distinguish better my wolf lair formation from my pig castle formation.

Re: Update Notes - - 02/05/13

Posted: Tue May 07, 2013 5:58 pm
by Neukdeh
Great Updates!!

I have been very pleased

The attack formation template is awesome and helps those of us who have vassal armies located too closely together and should help us launch attacks in shorter spans of time. Does it not pull troops out of the vassals castles? I haven't tested that part yet.

Some other items to consider while everyone is still in a good mood haha

1. Toggle Ability for Monks - when trying to send multiple monks (from different villages) to a specific village or parish.. it would be convenient to have the ability to change the village (via toggle or some other mechanism) without going back to the world view and changing the village.

2. Last Login Status - Similar to what faction officers see which is the last time the faction general logged in. Since the feature is already implemented I am proposing expanding what it covers.

The faction general/officers can see the last time the faction members have logged in (when not online)
The faction members can see the last time the faction general/officers have logged in (when not online)

3. Diplomacy Screen - So we can see the relationships between the different houses. Played a few games where diplomacy between houses is visible and it makes for a more dynamic game where everyone can see the state of the current affairs.

Re: Update Notes - - 02/05/13

Posted: Tue May 07, 2013 6:04 pm
by Voltair
Hi Neukdeh,

Some good suggestions there. Rather than me splitting them off from the rest of your post, I would suggest that you add those into the feedback forum as Firefly do read that section. That way they are here and can also be read in that section too.

*And I agree it's a great update! :D

Re: Update Notes - - 02/05/13

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 1:02 am
by metroman
Thinking about it, the Mail Filter is great, but what I think they need to fix is the fact you can't remove Players from your Favorites list. Or if there's a way, I've never seen the instructions for it. I've got way too many on there that don't even play the game anymore, and it's hard to even find some players I add to the list.

And to clarify that is on the report Forwarding list.