Thank you Firefly for diluting the player base!

World 9 was Closed following the Final Age completion.
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Re: Thank you Firefly for diluting the player base!

Post by rey_bonana »

world 9 already. too much server to play, w5, w6,italy, Europe and now world 9 here I come...........

We guys need some Filipino faction..... join me
pug of crydee
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Re: Thank you Firefly for diluting the player base!

Post by pug of crydee »

Biotot wrote:but each additional world is killing off the rest of the game.
no its the mega houses that won age 1 then continue to dominate age 2,3 and so on thats killing the other worlds
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Re: Thank you Firefly for diluting the player base!

Post by meatball2k »

completely agree pug, each house that enters alliance is taking that step closer to killing a world, that's why everyone leaves the world. i.e w7 either join h16 or stay out of there way any wrong move and you get razed. Its not just w7 though every world is the same so why stay there? why not join another world and hope this world will be different and hope the main houses actually fight rather then take easy way out and merge.
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Re: Thank you Firefly for diluting the player base!

Post by PsychoticUK »

Yes, it is the mega alliances which kill worlds.

If there are 10k people on W1, and W2 came out (assuming no new players) what is stopping all 10k from playing both worlds?

If there are certain groups fighting on W1 but others who are farming, then on W2, while the Fighters are busy on W1, it gives the farmers a chance to become the fighters of W2. Then the Fighters of W1 can become the farmers of W2, where they take a backseat role, farming and doing quests on that world.

If farmers make W2 their primary world, it doesnt mean they are leaving W1, since they were not fighting anyway on W1.

also, releasing W9 right after Europe means while alot of big players are busy on EU, then there are less for W9, so the server wont be ruled by day 80 like W8.
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Re: Thank you Firefly for diluting the player base!

Post by meatball2k »

I am playing on 4 worlds right now and still making effort on all of them, I am not going to go for just 1 world anymore as I know each world can die a slow horrible death but then it can pick up again so I want my options open, USA was good now its dead until 2nd age which is months away. W7 should come alive soon, I am farming on euro and w9 I haven't chose what to do yet but I like having choices and meeting new players. W9 there is a lot of opportunity for the farmers to take on a role of a fighter and people who have never lead factions can now lead factions and same with being a HM, I was doubtful about this world but its a refreshing change to not see so many high ranks at this point in the game. So far its a slow pace which suits the players that don't spend loads of money on the game.

Someone said a while back and I will say it again, this world is as close to a non carding world as anyone will get for now. people are using basic carss but there aint no super quick ranking going on, I am not seeing the same faces top the leaderboards and the same factions/players popping up trying to take over world and reset any1 in there path.

Overall I am very happy with w9 right now, lets see how it goes though its early days and still plenty time for it to be ruined.
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Re: Thank you Firefly for diluting the player base!

Post by TheGodPanda »

I'm on 4 worlds too (W4,W8,W9, Europe) I prefer playing on more worlds and find it more engaging, in one world you will only know the people around you mostly but with playing more worlds you get to really experience this game, you get new friends you join different houses and talk on TS etc and learn more altogether about the game and the people playing it.

meatball2k if you still don't know what to do on W9 you can always join H16 :) always looking for active members
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Re: Thank you Firefly for diluting the player base!

Post by meatball2k »

Thanks for invite Panda, I have joined some guys I was actually fighting in early days on w7 so nice to get to know my former enemies, turns out there nice guys and not the evil people I thought they where at the time haha
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Re: Thank you Firefly for diluting the player base!

Post by TheGodPanda »

Yeah that tends to happen here, I think most of the people here are good guys but everyone has to have enemies at some point, I'm just enjoying building up and talking to everyone at the moment W9 looks promising and it will be interesting to see what happens.
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Re: Thank you Firefly for diluting the player base!

Post by meatball2k »

Yeah I always say to people that this is a game and even if you have been a friend of mine in the past, I will still fight anyone as long as they where in a competitive house regardless if they have been a friend of mine in the past. Its nicer to fight people you like then people you hate as game stays fun, nothing worse then getting razed of someone you cant stand haha
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Re: Thank you Firefly for diluting the player base!

Post by meatball2k »

I think as long as your not a major pain in the ars* it makes it hard for people to want to reset you even if you do return, I would never try and reset anyone that returns unless they where complete bell end. I have only come across 1 player like that but he has long since gone. There is idiots but I wouldnt go out my way to kill them if they ever returned to a world I was in.

It seems though that alot of people are liking w9 so far and the fact theres alot of new faces taking up factions and Hm positions. Its a refreshing change.

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