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Re: Relapse

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2014 6:41 am
by SalukiFire
I'm Saluki. A multi-relapsing SHK junkie.

It's been 4 months since I was last active in SHK. I find the game to be very interesting as it's RTS but also multi-player. You get plenty of features and things build even when you're not online. Then after a couple of months, it becomes farming and fighting. Everybody is the same rank and has about the same amount of villages and I sieze to realize why I'm still playing. I'm able to get away from the game, especially when it's nice out. Eventually, I always come back. I meet a lot of interesting people on here. You can kinda call them my friends, but they are even better because I don't have to deal with them in real life.

I feel like I'm about to get back into the game. It's bad timing because it's almost spring here, but playing video games helps me have fun on a very low budget. Please, I need help!

Re: Relapse

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2014 7:52 am
by meatball2k
Yes its a strange game, first 0-5 months its a race to get to prince for most people and get there villages and a little fighting along the way, after that its pretty much about trying to form mega alliance to wipe out your opponent. It happens on every world eventually and its frustrating but probably one of the most enjoyable games I have played which always drags me back whenever i try and leave. You think you have enemies for life then next thing you know your helping them and then you think you have friends and next thing your attacking them, Thats what makes the game interesting and addictive plus many other aspects i.e chatting to new people from all around the globe, seeing colours change and factions flip, its all interesting stuff. Doesnt sound like much really bt its enough to have kept me addicted for about a year and a half.

Re: Relapse

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2014 9:15 am
by meatball2k
say it loud and say it proud, we don't need to be anonymous :-)

Re: Relapse

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2014 10:50 pm
by TheProScout
I am TheProScout

I am an addict to Stronghold Kingdoms for 3 years and 5 months,

Im especially addicted to perform non War Winning, but good morale boosting "Demolitions of Capitals"

2 weeks ago i demolished my 15th capital, over the couse of 3 years.

Help, is there a Cure for me ?

Re: Relapse

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2014 1:14 pm
by meatball2k
I dont think there is any cure for you pro scout, you are a shk capital smasher and your here to stay, be proud and say it loud!!