Update Notes - - 07/03/13

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Re: Update Notes - - 07/03/13

Post by anicca »

I'm a heavy carder and even I think this has ruined the integrity game, especially for those who don't card.

It's one thing to introduce a few new mechanics, but with this update you have effectively changed the entire nature of this game and not for the better to be honest. In a game like this where people put in year(s) of gameplay to establish a particular order which you allow to be molested by money and not skillful gameplay, coordination, and strategy, you have done your playerbase a huge disservice.

In addition we've been waiting for months for communications UI changes to address important organizational issues (which won't even require much coding!) but the update we get is to completely modify the game and sell more crowns for more pay to win gameplay.

I am disappointed in you Firefly.
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Re: Update Notes - - 07/03/13

Post by Nazafyn »

DontBeaWuss wrote:
Nazafyn wrote:
DontBeaWuss wrote:I was initially worried about the new cards, however, having seen them and (admittedly) had a 'wow' moment, I'm glad they are quite a bit more expensive because if they weren't, it would be really pointless for non-paying members to play imo.
You are? Because I'm not; semi free players (mabye spending 5 EUR a month) could still afford to buy a card or two through the veteran reward system a few times a week. These cards are completely inaccessible to us, instead only the biggest carders will be able to buy an even larger advantage over all the people that do not spend hundreds upon hundreds of their respective currency on this game.
Don't get me wrong - my point is that there is always going to be heavy carders which people like me (maybe spend the odd 5 EUR every 1 or 2 months) cannot keep up with and never will so I, for one, who has no intention of trying to keep pace with those that have the money to spend, is happy that these super-duper cards are as expensive as they are.

At the end of the day, it's only a game and if some people want to spend that amount of money on their egos then let'em!.....after all, the money generated will keep the developers in a job and, hopefully, let them think up ways of keeping all players happy, eventually ;)
I understand where you are coming from, but that still does not explain as to why the paid players received an even larger, exponentially larger than before, advantage over the non-paying and occasional carders; it doesn't feel right to me, it feels like I'm playing Evony or War of Legends (Both games where the paid playerbase receives a huge advantage over the non-paying playerbase).

For the record, that's not a compliment.
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Re: Update Notes - - 07/03/13

Post by Hackal »

Why do you have to wreck this game, Why couldn't you just keep the game as it is and do like a little update like give us more research to do or something, Not bloody cards!!!, Now you are going to lose a lot of players cause of this update!!!
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Re: Update Notes - - 07/03/13


I'm not one to normally complain about this game having a pay to win mechanic...

But why are all of these super expensive and OP cards giving direct buffs to everything that was made to be harder or nerfed with the second age?

I don't like the smell of it.
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Lord Alacrity
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Re: Update Notes - - 07/03/13

Post by Lord Alacrity »

All the new cards can be found not only in all the new packs, but also in the random packs and are available as free cards from veteran levels.
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Re: Update Notes - - 07/03/13

Post by TurksHead »

to put balance to this update, we need another card back. We now have Super Random, Ultimate Random, all we need are 'USELESS RANDOM PACKS.'

The 'USELESS RANDOM PACK' is 50 of the most idiotic cards in the game: wooden fences, small apple haul etc that can be bought for 10 crowns. This will provide a guaranteed path to card points without the risk of getting cards that you'd be tempted to keep.

That will get the casual pay to play players the chance to add to the challenge for the heavier pay to play guys.
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Re: Update Notes - - 07/03/13

Post by dobbles81 »

ThatSQLGuy wrote:
Xx Strikes wrote:The free card system needs to be looked at I think. Maybe more free cards???
If I were a company making games and was expecting to make a profit which would I choose?

Option A: "Let's make more free cards so the players who never spend a dime on the game can still play the game"

Option B: "Let's make more cards that cost money so the money spenders do not lose interest in the game."

Hmmmmmm let me consider this .....

I vote Option B. I'm pretty sure Firefly wants to make more money.

thats a brutally flawed premise.

the only way this game works is because there are enough players to make the world active and interesting. if it werent for the casual non paying players, you would have a few hundred people in each world that pay lots of money. but if they dont have random n00bs to pick on, then the game is pointless for them. you see it in old worlds already. when the player base shrinks its the same tiny group of people that are even active. it gets boring and stale for all players regardless of monetary investment.

there has to be a balance so that free players can at least compete. sure you can pay to get an advantage, but with the way the game is trending, free players have no chance. and if you alienate that audience, then the player base will shrink to an unsustainable level. not everyone wants to spend hundreds of dollars on this game and/or 15 hours a day. so unless they plan on shrinking the maps by an extremely large percentage and just making it easy for pay players to battle each other more quickly, they need a change in direction.

andi know its easy to sit back and say the game is doing great and growing a ton, but i think they still need to be careful. look at world 6; its only 6 months old and already down to 15k players when it was near 30k after launch. everyone just moves to the new world when they arent successful on the current one. and dont get me started on how many alts are really out there... but since they pay, its ok!
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Re: Update Notes - - 07/03/13

Post by Hackal »

Lord Alacrity wrote:All the new cards can be found not only in all the new packs, but also in the random packs and are available as free cards from veteran levels.
If the New cards are in the random packs then I bet you only get 1 new card out of 5
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Re: Update Notes - - 07/03/13

Post by Atopsecret »

although guilty of spending plenty even on these new card packs im still not seeing much to influence new comers to the game whom cannot spend to much as when they join and get whacked by players running x4 and having every defence card possible soon up and leave .. rather than what has now become digging deep into there wallets like these last updates clearly expect you to be doing.
over half a million players being bragged about this time last year and now with more servers opened which you would think more players but NO less in fact i reckon maybe as little of 140k of members now play this surly has to be the real issue that needs fixing imo.
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Re: Update Notes - - 07/03/13

Post by FoolishOrc »

The stone block is really nice but you should really add a delete block!

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