My thoughts on Interdiction update

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My thoughts on Interdiction update

Post by Strygald »

I appreciate the fact that Interdiction now stops captain attacks, that was really needed. It's still a bit annoying that you get hit by regular attacks which sometimes include catapults though, so you can possibly come back online to find half your castle demolished.

My main concern is that 'Wolf's revenge' event coincided with the Interdiction update:

I'm sure a lot of players didn't take Interdiction seriously and either didn't research it(mine is at level 1 :p) or didn't save up much faith points before this update, some of us knew there were going to be changes but it was rather vague on what exactly was going to be introduced.

With the insane invasion, spawn, and attack rates going on atm due to Wolf's revenge a lot of players i know are frustrated because they are unprepared - especially with the Interdiction costing double points... that cost in particular doesn't even make it feasible right now to interdict all of your villages when you go offline to do RL stuff(which I thought was the point?). I'm sure there are more creative and elegant ways to prevent Interdiction abuse than to just give it a prohibitive cost to use.

anyway, just my thoughts on the subject...
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Re: My thoughts on Interdiction update

Post by Strana »

I think it should have been scouting or increase cost not both. The Wolf's Revenge has just made it that much harder. I had 15k fp saved. At rate I've been going to ID for offline time and repair time, I'll be out in another 3 days. At least 2 of my cities have had to be under 24hr ID because each time I've gotten them repaired within an hour or 2 another 4-5 caps hit it. Even siege camps gave us 15+ hour break between attacks.
Esoteric Paradigm
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Re: My thoughts on Interdiction update

Post by Esoteric Paradigm »

Arakus1 wrote:The increase of ID cost is deadly for the server.
The player can't interdict and go sleep as the will run out of FP very fast.

I think the raise in cost of ID was a very bad decision and will force more and more players to quit the world as the will loose there village very, very often.
I agree with this - after a while what was fun can become very tedious. Since AI cap attacks can take maybe 2 hours to arrive sometimes that means we have to ID villages 2 hours at least before we go offline and at double cost it is not going to work in the long run. I like the basic idea of the server but it is getting very tedious repairing and stocking so many castles all the time and rebuilding one every now and then. Not sure what the solution is but I can see a lot of players leaving.
Peter Upchurch
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Re: My thoughts on Interdiction update

Post by Peter Upchurch »

At this rate, many, many, many people will just give up on this world...I tried to semi leave the world for 2 days and was almost completely wiped out...I ID ed some and that really only helped for razing...I just got back and as soon as I got off ID, I hade 15 capt attacks coming at 9 villages within 20 minutes...with the rentless attacks from the AI, I will not stay on this world long and frankly it * me off so bad, that I may move off the game all together...SHK ought to pay attention to this, as I am a $500 to 700 dollar a year coin buyer and they are going to lose a great deal of players I thnk..I can not ever get a breather on this world and frankly it is wearing me out..what is the end game here SHK? the invasions never stop? I actually love this concept, however it needs work...the normal ID rules should apply here, it will not hurt the world, frankly it will help as more players will stay...just my 2 cents
Esoteric Paradigm
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Re: My thoughts on Interdiction update

Post by Esoteric Paradigm »

Peter Upchurch wrote:At this rate, many, many, many people will just give up on this world...I tried to semi leave the world for 2 days and was almost completely wiped out...I ID ed some and that really only helped for razing...I just got back and as soon as I got off ID, I hade 15 capt attacks coming at 9 villages within 20 minutes...with the rentless attacks from the AI, I will not stay on this world long and frankly it * me off so bad, that I may move off the game all together...SHK ought to pay attention to this, as I am a $500 to 700 dollar a year coin buyer and they are going to lose a great deal of players I thnk..I can not ever get a breather on this world and frankly it is wearing me out..what is the end game here SHK? the invasions never stop? I actually love this concept, however it needs work...the normal ID rules should apply here, it will not hurt the world, frankly it will help as more players will stay...just my 2 cents
Whenever I have raised this point I just get laughed at by the "tough" guys of this world. Read my posts. I have all but given up posting here because all that happens is that I get rubbished for suggesting anything at all to help us have a break for sleeping etc. Everything is fine they say - we can beat the wolf easily - more people need to front up here and say what they think.
Peter Upchurch
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Re: My thoughts on Interdiction update

Post by Peter Upchurch »

Do not fall for that line of bull, even the "tough" guys and the major carders are having issues here, you fight to keep a parish clean and then the invasion comes and you have 5 to 10 new wolf friends in your little parish...they are very costly to take out and when you do not get the all, they just buy every charter...I am not trying toi complain here, as I love this idea, it just needs to give the players some breathing room...
Esoteric Paradigm
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Re: My thoughts on Interdiction update

Post by Esoteric Paradigm »

Peter Upchurch wrote:Do not fall for that line of bull, even the "tough" guys and the major carders are having issues here, you fight to keep a parish clean and then the invasion comes and you have 5 to 10 new wolf friends in your little parish...they are very costly to take out and when you do not get the all, they just buy every charter...I am not trying toi complain here, as I love this idea, it just needs to give the players some breathing room...
I think the higher ranked players are not cleaning parishes till the major Ai attack is over because they will just fill the charters again any way.
The whole "fill the charters" thing by the AI is a problem when there are not many players to fill charters and may get worse as players leave.
In the end I have to wonder if it was worth the effort to develop parishes at all.

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