Great concept, tough beginning

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Great concept, tough beginning

Post by metroman »

I thought when I heard how this World would run, and jumped right in thinking it was going to be it really is frustrating, and I've seen many players leave this World due to lack of ability to maintain a village for more then a few days. Volume of attacks, cross House Flag attacks if AI vote you out of your Parish so you can't build it up to help Parish defense, then they get Razed, and the Parish is useless.

It's definitely a World that if you don't shell out some money, you'll never get anywhere in it.

Again, the concept is great, just a little bit too aggressive this early in the Age.
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Re: Great concept, tough beginning

Post by Killthewabbit »

metroman wrote:I thought when I heard how this World would run, and jumped right in thinking it was going to be it really is frustrating, and I've seen many players leave this World due to lack of ability to maintain a village for more then a few days. Volume of attacks, cross House Flag attacks if AI vote you out of your Parish so you can't build it up to help Parish defense, then they get Razed, and the Parish is useless.

It's definitely a World that if you don't shell out some money, you'll never get anywhere in it.

Again, the concept is great, just a little bit too aggressive this early in the Age.
Not sure I follow. I know for fact you can do rather well with out drop much if anything on the game. With treasure wheel spins for killing AI's and forging, you can easily make over 200 card points in few hours as well as many useful and much need cards. THen you have quest as well to get few tokens, packs, gold, honour, building supply.

As for the flag raiding can be a pain, but for the most part can be avoided, by either killing off the AI in your parish, or throw monks. Also if you can build up the castle and put troops on the walls, before the AI take over, you can discourage people form raid your flags, at least until they build up. Though that take stone and donation to build up as well the foresight of when your going to loss control of your parish. If your luckly to be on when votes get returned, there a delay between when votes come back and the AI votes, that you could simple keep yourself as steward with normal votes, though you have to be at max votes to do that.
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Re: Great concept, tough beginning

Post by metroman »

Apparently you've maxed out all research. If you are one village in a Parish with 6 other AI's that are too strong for you to remove on your own (since it's difficult to find vassals, since many are inactive or already taken), using Monks takes too much FP's then can be earned unless you've maxed out Religion and max Monk research so you're sending at least 8 each time.

For the Quests, they can be easy if what you have to run as a Quest just isn't available (I.E. Illness).

And if you do Monk a Parish and try to set it to protect the Flags, whatever you build doesn't show up immediately, and the next day you're fighting your 3 votes over their 18 per day.

What should be added to make it more motivational to get the Parish, is to make the AI's pay taxes so the Parish is getting more then 1,000 Gold per day which is mainly useless.

Arrangements for others to not take Flags? I'll send a blanket mail to every player in this World so they all know not to take the Flags from the Parishes I'm in that go to AI's while I'm asleep, and when I get up I'll waste my FP's to take the Parish where I can't do anything anyway without Flags.

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