Looking for decent faction

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Esoteric Paradigm
Posts: 577
Joined: Sat Feb 15, 2014 5:16 am

Re: Looking for decent faction

Post by Esoteric Paradigm »

Unknownhost wrote:alliance rules regarding flag raids. the short version. if its ai held, its fair game.

thus, our faction raids our own members when ai flips the parishs- holds the gold and flags and gives them back to same members other parish or when they retake their raided parish. we've been doing this for quite a while now. nothing even remotely new.

simply put, yesterday invasions landed, at vote spawn i raided a few members ai flipped parishs, put in the faction thread where their stuff was at and to come get it with another parish or when theirs is reclaimed.

member logs in, rages in same exact thread. leaves in anger. comes on public forum and starts seeking "a decent faction."

best of luck.
ah well that makes sense - only way to handle the whole flag problem really otherwise other houses could raid the flags and gold. Juat as well the wolf and pig doesn't raid the flags and gold :)

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