World 6 is Nearly at the End of Age 2!!!!

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Re: World 6 is Nearly at the End of Age 2!!!!

Post by wtfisthis »

Black_Turtle wrote:Well something is happening
maybe we'll see
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Re: World 6 is Nearly at the End of Age 2!!!!

Post by Orbit Storm »

Not likely. Gandy doesn't have a target on his back like I did. Greyson used GoV's joining of H13 in jest last age (after being voted out of H9), as a reason to mark us as a house enemy. He certainly doesn't have the backbone to go after anyone aligned with Gands; not that I'm surprised, as not many in H17 do either.
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Re: World 6 is Nearly at the End of Age 2!!!!

Post by Orbit Storm »

Greyson-Mactire wrote:Actually I wasn't even on when you joined H13 or when they decided to vote you out, I only learned you joined H13 via a screenshot I think you posted on this very forum. Please continue though.

Edit: Also I thought it was me who had a man crush on you... the way you keep mentioning me is starting to make me wonder. I'm already blushing as you're flattering me.
You seem so convinced I was banned from TS, but I never was. I'm well aware that you were online when it all happened. I watched Cato float between conversations with you and others in KOG, as well as a private conversation with Rex (presumably regarding North Wales itself).

It's only natural that I mention you, as you're the reason any of this has transpired. You like to take credit in leadership threads in-game, don't be shy about it here on the forums. ;)

That's neither here nor there, however. My previous post was a statement regarding what everyone is assuming to be an issue for H17.. when in reality, H17 will bend to cater to Gandy because I don't know many in H17 (none of which are in KOG) with the backbone to step up to Gandy. Instead, you've taken well over a week to try and get rid of three "farmers" from North Wales and still haven't gotten the job done. Last I heard, now you're focusing on harassing sister factions to some of the H17 factions. Once a bully always a bully, no?
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Re: World 6 is Nearly at the End of Age 2!!!!

Post by Orbit Storm »

Greyson-Mactire wrote:You were banned as I did it myself the night you mouthed off.
Sure about that? You might want to think a little harder. Otherwise, how do you explain my watching Isburr and Unknownhost ramble on in the lobby about me the next day? Ask him yourself, he raged a little bit when I copy/pasted the chat logs. :lol:

You can flatter yourself all you like (doesn't really matter to me one way or the other), but I just find it comical that despite all of the smack talk you've been doing the last week, through all of the lies and fabricated tales, all three of us are still here. If anyone has the stalker syndrome, it'd be you. I mean, you're still trying to convince members of H17 to attack us and you've only mustered a few people (most of which are in Campaign and outnumbered by those who refuse to attack). You've gone as far as spreading threads to the entire house telling everyone that Airyella and Shootinjoo are my "alt" accounts. Unsurprisingly, you didn't have the spine to reply to my public response to that on page 17. So what's the next step? Are you going to accuse me of being a "corrupt FireFly employee"? :roll:
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Re: World 6 is Nearly at the End of Age 2!!!!

Post by Orbit Storm »

I needn't share screenshots of anything. It's as you said in a previous post, if my sources truly exist I'm not going to out them. You've made it a habit to not copy/paste the same content in each of your threads, so you know as well as I do that if I share a screenshot of those threads that you'll be able to determine exactly who they were sent to based on your own words. I'd literally have to black out everything but your shield and then you'd be able to argue it could be any old thread. Despite my reservations about some of the people coming forward (i.e. I think they're cowards for not stepping up publicly), I'm still a man of my word and I won't expose them. Say what you will, but the fact that I'm even aware of the information at all says more than enough. You claim I'm banned from TS, then claim I have no sources -- so how do I have any information at all? You can't have it both ways. Pick a story and stick to it.

So.. tell me again about how I have alt accounts. I love this story! :lol:
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Re: World 6 is Nearly at the End of Age 2!!!!

Post by Orbit Storm »

lol.. you're having a hard time grasping what I just explained, aren't you?

It's not as though you're copy/pasting "Orbit has alt accounts" in every single thread that's been forwarded to me, which would mean that unless you're suffering from dementia, you'll be able to recall who you sent the message to just by reading what you sent. Most of the information sent to me isn't even forwarded threads anyway, just information passed along (yes, I still take some people for their word). As for the threads forwarded, most of them explicitly name the person's faction you're speaking to.. which is exactly what I'd do to avoid having someone screenshot what I've sent.

Like I said, I don't really care whether you believe me or not. You're not denying the information I have.. just that I have sources, which makes absolutely no sense. But I'll tell you what, I'll appease you a little bit with a snapshot of some idle chit-chat between myself and someone still inside of H17:


So now you're denying saying that Shootinjoo is my "other" alt? Interesting.
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Re: World 6 is Nearly at the End of Age 2!!!!

Post by Orbit Storm »

No, not really. I just speak my mind and allow the evidence to speak for itself. Another thing that speaks for itself is how you've attempted to insult my wife twice now, sit ID'ed in North Wales (despite outnumbering us substantially), and spend every post emphatically denying everything. You'd make an excellent politician: arrogant, cowardly, and corrupt. :D
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Re: World 6 is Nearly at the End of Age 2!!!!

Post by Orbit Storm »

You're going to preach about self-righteousness while being a member of the one house that has based every last one of their actions on that very ideology? LOL. You can add hypocrite to your resume.

I needn't say much more than point out two insults on my wife's allegedly "poor punctuation" and then a not-so-clever attempt at insulting her or my own sexuality with the "wife/husband" inference. I wasn't aware that we've regressed to middle school insults, but it shouldn't come as any surprise when coming from you.
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Re: World 6 is Nearly at the End of Age 2!!!!

Post by wtfisthis »

kwud wrote:you guys know age 2 ended right?
they know they just like bickering xD anyway it seems H17 has fully split now into H2, H13 and H17
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Re: World 6 is Nearly at the End of Age 2!!!!

Post by Voltair »

Age 2 in World 6 is now at an end so this thread is now off topic and consequently locked.

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