A bernds way of doing things ?

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Bernhard Bernfried
Posts: 6
Joined: Wed Apr 10, 2013 3:22 pm

Re: A bernds way of doing things ?

Post by Bernhard Bernfried »

The reason Light Angels was hitting low ranks, is because the bernds have so many alt accounts.
Please deliver a proof to this claim. We Bernds suffered from many enemys who used alt-accounts extensively, and got banned for that. I was told that by some of our enemys myself, i consider this sufficient proof to believe it myself.

There has been and there never will be any proof for bernds using alt accounts since we do not.
We simply have many members.

You did not attack alt-accounts, you attacked our new members. And now you complain because we kill your faction? Well ...

You guys always had the habbit of dragging innocent neutrals into your faction and then stiring up problems with us. Now you dragged them into this war, and we have to kill them. That is your fault, not ours. I offered them to be spared, but they refused out of loyalty.

Also, you betrayed everyone in scotland by aligning with the english invaders, and only their backup keept you alive. Now that we relieved you of this backup, and have backup by a house ourselves, you complain?

You complain because circumstances turned unfavorable to you, not because we actually do something bad. Might i also correct you, its pretty much just my faction against your faction, and you personally started this.

Deuteronomy 7:1-2

When the Lord your God brings you into the land you are entering to possess and drives out before you many nations . . . then you must destroy them totally. Make no treaty with them, and show them no mercy.
The guy with 60 alts called "bernd something"
Posts: 107
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Re: A bernds way of doing things ?

Post by Adawulf »

The person to blame for starting a religious debate here is Gerusalem, because he included scripture in his initial post. In fact, even his player name is religious in nature and clearly he has an agenda that goes far beyond the game discussion.

DavidSpy, The ethical thing to do as the moderator is tell folks not to include scripture in their posts. This is a limited public forum for the purpose of discussing the game and game related issues. The very last thing you need here is players posting scripture, or before you know it you'll have a bunch of Jihadists and Skinheads in here debating who's going to burn in *. In fact, I'm almost positive it says something about this precise issue in the user agreement right?
Bernhard Bernfried
Posts: 6
Joined: Wed Apr 10, 2013 3:22 pm

Re: A bernds way of doing things ?

Post by Bernhard Bernfried »

Gerusalem send several "religious" county proclamations, so i thought i do something funny for my first and copy his style.

I'm atheist.
The guy with 60 alts called "bernd something"
Posts: 107
Joined: Fri Mar 23, 2012 11:36 pm

Re: A bernds way of doing things ?

Post by Adawulf »

Gerusalem is confused because there are monks and churches in the game. That makes him think that the game developers support his modern advocacy of religion and that it's OK to use the forum and the proclamation system in the game to solicit his faith. He's wrong.

But since I love a good debate and we haven't been locked yet, I'll offer my 2 cents.

I believe that Religion is a very bad thing. A fun thing in a game though maybe. But so is killing people and destroying villages. Fun in game, very bad in reality. Yes we like to use monks in the game, but we also like to murder people and raze villages. Does that make it OK for the real world?

All rational, ethical, moral people should be atheists. The atheists are the good guys. The vast majority of scientists are atheists and everyday you enjoy the fruits of our free minds. You are alive today due to the efforts of non-believers. If everyone in the world believed in god, it would be an awful place to live. Religious faith = ignorance.

It's religion that moves terrorists to kill people. Religion that infected the minds of the perpetrators on 9/11. Religion keeps people in ignorance and breeds intolerance and hate. The "war on terror" should be called the "war on religion" because it religious fanatacism that we're really fighting against but it's politically incorrect to call it that, because we might offend people like Gerusalem here.

Imagine what we might have discovered and accomplished by now but for religion hampering our every move? Consider how long it took Europe to figure out that the world wasn't flat, or how the solar system works, or cellular biology and disease? The Greeks knew the earth was round and actually estimated the circumference of the earth to a pretty good approximation simply by measuring the distance to the perceptible horizon on the Mediterranean and then factoring in the curvature of the earth. Christians burned most of the works of Ancient Greece and then rewrote them in ways that favored their religion. Plummeting Europe into what we called the "Dark Ages" The dark ages are directly tied to the rise of Christianity in Europe. Christianity as with all religions brings only ignorance and hatred to the world. The Church kept us in ignorance for centuries, and in many ways still does today.

Consider the poor ignorant wreches dying from the plague as they prayed to a nonexistant god. Imagine dying of a disease that could be easily cured in a more scientific society, and as you die you are talking to an imaginary friend you call jesus? Ironically, it is that very faith that contributed to the deaths of those poor wretches because it squelched the basic scientific discoveries that later cured it.

They didn't know about viruses, and the reason they didn't know is because the Church squelched the pursuit of knowledge and deliberately kept them in ignorance. It was an atheist who discovered microbiology and atheists who save lives where the religious destroy them.

Every day as you go to church and converse with your imaginary dear leader in the sky, you are enjoying the fruits and benefits that we atheists brought to the world. You should not be insulting these fine people, you should be thanking them. You would probably already be dead from some terrible disease but for the atheists who brought knowledge to the world and lifted us from the darkness of priests, churches, scripture and superstition.

Consider the millions of victims of the many inquisitions the Catholic church perpetrated on the world. Tortured and murdered because they didn't believe what the priests told them to believe. The church is responsible for inventing the most horrific forms of human torture. Most ancient torture devices were invented by men of faith, and used by believers to enforce their religions. Christianity was spread by terror and violence, not love. The modern watered-down "loving" version of Jesus is a relatively new thing. It was the fear of god, and the actual punishment of not believing that drove most of our European ancestors into the arms of the church, not love or kindness. If they didn't believe in *, they sure believed in the very real presence of the priests and their instruments of torture.

It is not a coincidence that modernly religion and child abuse go together like peanut butter and jelly. Why do so many priests molest kids? The same reason their ancient predecessors tortured them. Ignorance breeds cruelty.

Consider the Native American genocide, and other examples of genocide throughout history motivated by religion? That same bible you are quoting was held under the arm of many an expert in torture as people screamed for mercy. Religion fuels the sickest minds on earth. That book is not a good thing, it's a very, very bad thing.

The Christian faith is no different from Islam, Greek Gods, Norse Mythology or the thousands of other religions that have existed throughout history. None have any real evidence, all are false and their believers are all equally insane. It makes no difference if a religion only has 1 follower or 1 billion. Things do not become true simply because more people believe them. There is no sanity in numbers and you cannot prove that your god is any more “real” that Zeus or Allah.
Last edited by Adawulf on Sun Apr 14, 2013 8:41 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Bernhard Bernfried
Posts: 6
Joined: Wed Apr 10, 2013 3:22 pm

Re: A bernds way of doing things ?

Post by Bernhard Bernfried »

Gerusalem wrote:Sorn was a guy?
It is spelled sorm. S - O - R - M. And he is a wonderful young lady.
The guy with 60 alts called "bernd something"
Ludwig von Bernd
Posts: 3
Joined: Fri Aug 17, 2012 6:19 pm

Re: A bernds way of doing things ?

Post by Ludwig von Bernd »

Gerusalem wrote: i didnt know Sorn was a guy? anyways,
SORM is a nice, young girl, but that is none of your concern.

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