Banquet Question for a Noobie

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Re: Banquet Question for a Noobie

Post by NGXMasters »

1) Why he and the banquet resource you have most stored in this village

2) from the biggest to the smallest the game already combines the banquets automatically
you have 200 wines, they can be combined with all the furniture which is 196 the difference between furniture and wine and 4 then there would be 4 wines left that cannot be combined making them suitable only for a humble banquet
because this combination of the game is automatic, manipulating the banquet resources without moving them from the village becomes impossible

3) now 196 wines and furniture can be combined with 150 utensils with the difference of 46 wines and furniture that serve only for a modest banquet and so on.

4) this turned out to be a small detail of your perception that you did not realize that you had then 16 units of salt that could be combined into a magnificent banquet, so that all other resources could only be combined into 111 units at the grand banquet

sorry for my spelling mistakes i don't speak english yet.
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