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Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2018 12:25 pm
by DeadBoy
I am unsure why my previous thread with valid questions was closed. The majority of the community wanted the answers to the questions that I asked. Unfortunately my concise questions were confused with other issues. It would be extremely helpful for someone to reply with a list of the worlds that will receive which prizes. Not a phrase like "whichever worlds were in age 5 in April last year", this is clearly so confusing that even FF mistakenly give out the wrong prizes like in Monde1 and other worlds.

Perhaps it could be helpful to FF themselves to collate such a list for their own benefit. Sharing it openly with the community would dispel any false accusations that FF are deceptively trying to go back on previous announcements by changing prizes, or that they don't care about the community.

As someone who has played SHK and the whole SH franchise for many years all I am asking for is some transparency.

Thank you in advance for answering the question asked and for not closing/deleting this fair thread.