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Age 2 and its Variables

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2018 7:45 pm
by Priest Guardian
GC3 begins Age 2 at just over 100 days into the server

I heard all seats get reset? I will find out tomorrow

Will Firefly open a new server before Easter? That is sure to change the dynamics of GC3 with players leaving for new server

Will the raze required be reduced? Will flags required for parish structures be reduced?

Every house is back in the running again and I am sure everyone who stays to play will want to be involved in the glory race against H-13 for age 2

I think its exciting and I am ready in Tanzania / Africa House 1

Age 2 offers new allies and enemies as well as rule changes. I look forward to the speed of these new era rules servers and its fast glory rounds as well as its ability to keep things fresh. Thanks FF for making the game relevant