Where's Stronghold Galaxies? =D

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Where's Stronghold Galaxies? =D

Post by Zymz »

You guys should make a Stronghold Galaxies Sci Fi Themed version of this game, make it play almost exactly the same, like a Real Time Board game! =D and the villages / castles are space stations orbiting planets / moons, mining asteroids / space dust n gases, the Parishes are system stations orbiting the system's star etc.

Then scouts = scouting ships / fleets,

Merchants are traders, Monks are envoys / diplomats, armies are space fleets, captains are field marshals / admirals, and the players are administrators or adjuncts or something in 1 faction, or maybe have multiple factions etc.

then use transactions to buy sub-faction skinnables for station / ship look etc.

Other than a Graphical over-haul, the game could use most of the same code kingdoms does, you'd just have to change all the animations n graphics, add some spacey sci-fi muzak, the big changes would mostly be space station defenses, but a lot of that could be re-purposed archer / trebauchet code. *shrug* I'd really be into it anyway, I'm sure I'm not alone.
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