empty parishes/ disease

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Posts: 134
Joined: Mon Jul 09, 2012 4:18 pm

empty parishes/ disease

Post by whitesatin »

Or Nearly empty ones. It appears that many parishes/villages have been abandoned, possibly by people moving to other worlds. This has made it possible for disease to reach epidemic proportions. I am fed up sending out monks only to find the next time I log on I have 150+ disease points in my own parishes. It would also appear that the few active parishes get hit by more Wolf castles than surrounding ones, which makes life very tedious. Another point- why can a Wolf castle still send out a max size army when you have hammered it to its knees- again this a real pain- it doesn't happen with opponents castles- when they are half dead, so are their armies - or they are even weaker.

Any change due here?
Posts: 134
Joined: Mon Jul 09, 2012 4:18 pm

Re: empty parishes/ disease

Post by whitesatin »

That's what I said - a Wolf's castle sends out a Wolf's army- full strength! even when it is almost beaten.

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