and more convenient to buy the goods banquet or buy research

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Posts: 17
Joined: Sat Aug 25, 2012 11:36 am

Re: and more convenient to buy the goods banquet or buy rese

Post by bhaas »

I think you are missing the point here, you need honour points to attack other players as well
as gain 3 research points. So if you build the banquet goods buildings you will always have enough honour to fight. For example even 3 research points on banquets lets you research the
large 3 item feast which gives you x 9 honour bonus. For another 3 research points you can research the hunting lodge, the chair workshop and the goblet workshop. So now you are up to
6 total research points. If you place 2 of each kind of building where they are supposed to go at the lowest level you will make 200 goods of each. Take 200 goods x 9 bonus and now you have 1800 honour points a day to go pillage the little guys who arent playing anymore. Plus you have
6 more peasants making gold for you. So in the long run it is better to spend 6 points on banqueting research than buy goods.

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