Coming Changes to Era System on all Worlds

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Re: Coming Changes to Era System on all Worlds

Post by sayhello »

Игра с введениями правил эры умирает. Русскоязычные игроки просто не хотят больше играть в эту игру - которая сводится к 20-30 парням которые получают принца на 10-20 день и делают на карте, что хотят, а остальные сидят и ни чем не могут ответить. нет смысла вкладывать деньги и время в игру - которая сводится только к донату - что показывает gc3 и euro4. Пока основная масса сервера разовьется до ранга принц - сервер уже заканчивается. И все страны заняты, дома тоже. 50% игроков русскоязычные и вы теряете их. в общем вы сами это осознаете и делаете последние шаги, чтобы по максимуму выжать деньги с последних серверов. Уничтожение замков должны быть с виконта. Правила эры полный провал в игре. Если в gc3 не появится изменения в ближайшее время, я и мои сотни друзей уйдут из сервера :evil: :evil: :evil: Жалко проведенного времени в серверах с новыми правилами. Всем удачи. Убейте игру дальше. Истинные фанаты уходят!
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Re: Coming Changes to Era System on all Worlds

Post by sayhello »

The game with the introductions of the rules of the era is dying. Players just don't want to play this game - which comes down to 20-30 guys who get Prince of 10-20 day and make the map what you want, and the rest are sitting and nothing can not answer. makes no sense to invest time and money in the game - which is only to Donat - what is the gc3 and euro4. While the bulk of servers developed to the rank of Prince - the server is already ending. And all countries busy at home too. 50% of Russian-speaking players and you lose them. in General, you do realize that doing the last steps, to the maximum to squeeze money with the latest servers. Destruction locks have to be with the Viscount. The rules of the era a total failure in the game. If gc3 will not be changed soon, I and my hundreds of friends will leave the server :evil: :evil: :evil: Sorry for the time spent in servers with the new rules. Good luck to everyone. Kill the game further. The true fans go!
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Re: Coming Changes to Era System on all Worlds

Post by MyNameIsGeo »

:lol: WHAT FOR FIGENIA FOR THE 20 DAY OF THE WORLD ME cuts 4 TIMES PRINCE (I ry, WHAT IT IS FOR THE BRED?: ????? Your friend or 1 businessman will own the world, BEAUTIFUL GAME DONE, 5 years ago when I played it was much better, The worst developers who do not want to change anything, return those who made the first famous game ... a bunch of flags to the building, worlds for half a year, 20 days 1 star, are you all right there?
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Re: Coming Changes to Era System on all Worlds

Post by sayhello »

The developers feed the people "Breakfast" that we will make changes - destruction of the graph. But it will be when this game will be to play only 20-300 guys and a lost chance. Making now why wait? Just talk - we'll do, we will make changes. Look at the game! It 300 active players - half of which will go tomorrow or the day after. One gets the impression that the last worlds are trying to pull as much money from people and close the game at all.
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Re: Coming Changes to Era System on all Worlds

Post by Aloiza »

Измените правила. Играть становится не интересно. Люди, у которых много карточек и возможности их приобретать, становятся беспредельщиками на карте. Возможности быстро развиться для простых игроков нет. Люди,которые впервые заходят в игру, не имея опыта, становятся пушечным мясом. Выжить в мясорубке у них нет и шанса.
Миры стали быстрее, и игроки, округа, страны не успевают полностью развиться. Нет возможности защищать округ от игроков-донатов. Стоимость построек в округе слишком высока, и накопить необходимое количество флагов практически невозможно.
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Re: Coming Changes to Era System on all Worlds

Post by Aloiza »

Change the rules. It's not interesting to play. People who have a lot of cards and the opportunity to buy them become messengers on the map. There is no opportunity to quickly develop for ordinary players. People who come into the game for the first time without any experience become cannon fodder. Survive in the meat grinder they have no chance.
Worlds have become faster, and players, counties, countries do not have time to fully develop. There is no way to protect the district from players-donates. The cost of buildings in the district is too high, and it is almost impossible to accumulate the necessary number of flags.
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Re: Coming Changes to Era System on all Worlds

Post by sayhello »

Lord Alacrity wrote:We've read a lot of feedback on the forum since the first new worlds with the Era System launched and we have discussed the ideas which had widespread community consensus. While some have asked about bringing back the old Age System for future worlds, for a long list of reasons ranging from server architecture to production and development workflows to the disruption caused by the needed downtimes for every Age change, we cannot launch new worlds using this exact system. However, we're happy to make changes to the Era system to better preserve the elements of the Age system that players valued and we haven't ruled out the idea of launching some form of "classic" gameworld based on the original ruleset of the First Age.

Based on feedback from players about the Era System we decided on these points:

[*] Reduce the rank required to raze to Earl. [/b]

While we still feel that Knight is too low a rank for players to be able to raze, we felt that there were many compelling arguments for lowering it from Prince. Since Earl is halfway between these two ranks, this seems like it could be a reasonable compromise. If someone can make a good argument for why it should be Viscount or Marquis, your feedback is welcome!

[*]Reduce the number of flags required for some parish buildings which had the costs increased.
Turret Maker from 10 to 3
Tunnellors Guild from 25 to 6
Ballista Maker from 40 to 9

Church from 40 to 30
Stables from 10 to 2

If there are other capital buildings which the community thinks we should look at, we're open to hearing about these as well.

[*] Slightly increase the honor cost of ransack attacks.[/b]

Honor costs for attacks are rather complex calculations based on a variety of factors. As I have understood from feedback that I've read, currently the low honor cost of ransack attacks has enabled some players to inflict one-sided devastation against other low ranked players, so we will be looking to curb this.

These changes are still in the development stage, but we hope to release them across all Era worlds in the near future.

While you make all these changes to the game from the game leaving half of her fans. The whole point of the game with the rules of era - investing a bunch of money and develop products through the Banquet to the Prince. And when a player does server ends. War of the servers there, and if someone says that there is something far removed from war. YOU ARE GIVING ONLY PROMISES TO CHANGE THE GAME. THE POST 2 MONTH. The RULES of ERA - DESTROYED the DESIRE to PLAY THIS GAME ALL My FRIENDS. FEED ON THE PROMISES OF FOOLS
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Re: Coming Changes to Era System on all Worlds

Post by Lord Alacrity »

XRed_RavenX wrote:Ok it’s been over thirty days now and no Update. So is this just another FF dream thread were they post about doing some thing and then that’s the last we ever hear from them on it?

Still nothing more on this update in over a month, I am thinking it’s just a dream thread now. They are just dreaming that they could fix the game some how, with no clue on how to do it. So they just stopped posting about it.
The past 30 days have included both Christmas and New Year's, so our regular development schedule has been consequently impacted. :roll: We had hoped to hear some more specific feedback regarding the proposed changes, however, we will be finalizing them and preparing to introduce them in the coming weeks.
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Re: Coming Changes to Era System on all Worlds

Post by Lord Alacrity »

sayhello wrote:The developers feed the people "Breakfast" that we will make changes - destruction of the graph. But it will be when this game will be to play only 20-300 guys and a lost chance. Making now why wait? Just talk - we'll do, we will make changes. Look at the game! It 300 active players - half of which will go tomorrow or the day after. One gets the impression that the last worlds are trying to pull as much money from people and close the game at all.
If someone is able to translate these posts and compile a list of the suggestions mentioned in them, this would be helpful.
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Re: Coming Changes to Era System on all Worlds

Post by sayhello »

Suggestions - make the race of fame is longer to increase the number of seats in the fractions, to increase the number of catapults produced per day will increase the interest in the war, to make smaller flags to allow construction and destruction of castles from Baron. Thanks for hear our prayers. Looking forward to the changes, and that many have the desire to quit the game
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